Evidence and ideas

Resources for Community Business

Guides, resources and more for your community business.

We believe that community businesses are central to creating a stronger and more resilient country – starting locally. 

Community businesses are helping communities across England to build stronger local economies and better places to live. With the right conditions, community businesses can thrive. But they face the same challenges as other businesses, with growing demand and less funding support.

Whether you’re wanting to start a community business or looking to do something different for your community, we have resources and tips that can help.

Our current projects  

Take a look at our active opportunities to grow and develop your community business.

From our partners


Through MyCommunity you can find resources to help with starting or growing a community busines and ideas on how to make your community a better place.

Cooperative Councils Innovation Network

This network of councils and partners want to reclaim community action and engagement. We’ve supported them to create handy tools such as the Councils’ Cooperative Development Toolkit to help Councils grow the number of cooperatives in their area.

Platform Places

Platform Places is a social enterprise that convenes and supports councils, communities and asset owners, to create Local Property Partnerships in their town centre. They support these Partnerships with access to funding, technical expertise and networks.

Ubele Initiative

The Ubele Initiative supports a wide range of community organisations through social action, development and leadership initiatives.

Guides and reports

Research-backed guides and reports to help your community business.

Getting started with Community Improvement Districts

Getting started with Community Improvement Districts

This Community Improvements Districts guidance helps communities imagine new possibilities for high streets, and gives readers the tools they need to make those possibilities a reality.
The benefits of being in a community energy group

The benefits of being in a community energy group

The Next Generation programme supported survey research with 205 members of three community energy groups to explore the difference that community energy made to their lives.  
The Community Hub Handbook

The Community Hub Handbook

Packed with information, case studies, checklists, templates and practical tools, The Community Hub Handbook is a new, free resource that sets out how to run a thriving community hub and ensure its future is secure.

Looking for data?

Community Business Market dataset

The most recent dataset from Power to Change’s Community Business Market report, anonymised.

Community Business Dashboard

This brings together useful financial information from more than 830 community businesses throughout England. Learn more about the community businesses around you and get instant comparisons based on business sector and geographical region.

Keep It in the Community

An online database of all community assets in England, such as pubs, shops and land, that have been nominated or registered as an Asset of Community Value (ACV).

Digital resources

Getting started with digital

  • BeMoreDigital workshops – an online (entree-level) learning space for civil society professionals to improve their digital skills and confidence.
  • Phoebe Tickell -Toolkit for grassroots communities needing to move their work into the digital realm for the first time.
  • Catalyst Resource – How to measure your service’s user-centredness – A free and downloadable scale based on the principles of good service design. Use it to measure how well your services work for your members and customers.
  • DigiSafe – A new step-by-step digital safeguarding guide.

Building your digital skills, support and further resources

  • Design Hops – A free workshop to help organisations redesign services for digital access.
  • Digital Candle – free 1 hour of expert digital advice for mission driven organisations.
  • Catalyst support library – 100+ free resources on a range of topics, from digital leadership, strategy, change management, creating and running digital services, working digitally.
  • Service Recipes – Practical guides to help civil society organisations learn from one another’s services.

Networks and peer groups

  • TechSoup – learn from experts that have deep experience with transformative technology solutions and skills.
  • Tech for Good Network – A community of organisers across the UK and Ireland supporting each other to fuel the tech for good movement. To find a group close to you, search their network.

Comms, marketing, website, and SEO

Accessibility, equality, diversity and inclusion

  • OneDigital – resources for specific types of learners: older learners; young learners; learners with physical disabilities; learners with mental health issues; learners with learning disabilities; learners whose first language is not English; and financial disadvantaged learners.
  • Learn My Way – offers free online courses to help beginners (esp. people with learning disabilities, low income families, and older people) learn the basics and develop digital skills.
  • This document signposts to digital resources and tools to help those who are less familiar with tech. This includes links to guides on using a webcam, Skype tutorials and video calling.
  • BT’s Skills for Tomorrow – offers a range of courses including basic digital functions such as using email.
  • The Basics of Digital Accessibility – this blog post explores the importance of accessibility in web and other digital communications as it relates to an organisation’s ability to serve its community.
  • Web accessibility checker – This tool checks single HTML pages for conformance with accessibility standards to ensure the content can be accessed by everyone.

Cyber security

Data and impact measurement

Customer Relationship Management

Seeking funding?


  • MyCommunity – this blog from NCVO contains helpful resources. 
  • My Funding Central – an affordable funding search tool for charities and VCSEs in England.
  • National Lottery – explore the programme page for funding opportunities.
  • The School for Social Entrepreneurs – grant and learning programmes to equip people to start, scale, and strengthen organisations that make a positive difference.
  • Reach Fund – helps charities, social enterprises, and community businesses raise social investment or community shares by offering grants on average between £5,000 and £15,000.
  • Corporate organisations, such as supermarkets, sometimes offer funding to community organisations. This is often through their charitable foundations such as the Asda Foundation or Co-op Foundation.
  • Arts Council England – funding to support arts and culture projects across England.
  • The Clothworkers’ Foundation – funding for capital projects.
  • Groundwork – support communities and businesses to build capacity and resilience, particularly for green-focused activities.

Social Investment

Social investment is the use of repayable finance to help an organisation achieve a social purpose. Charities and social enterprises can use repayable finance to help them increase their impact on society, for example by growing their business, providing working capital for contract delivery, or buying assets. 

There are various social investors out there, who specialise in providing support for certain sectors, communities or causes. The support they provide can be on different terms and come at a varying cost to you as a community business. Good Finance is a good place to start if you’re considering social investment.  

Community shares

  • Community shares are a means for community businesses to raise finance from their local community. It is a user-friendly name for withdrawable, non-transferable share capital: a form of equity uniquely available to co-operative and community benefit societies. Your community is able to invest in your organisation, whilst eventually getting their money back (often with interest on top). Watch Cooperative UK’s helpful video on community shares.
  • See our Community Shares Booster programme

Funding for rural and farm-focused community businesses

  • Farming For Future – they provide support to transform the current industrial food system into a regenerative and sustainable one.

  • Landworkers’ Alliance – a union of farmers, growers, foresters, and land-based workers in the UK. 

  • Plunkett Foundation – supports rural communities in the UK to establish and run community-owned businesses.

Climate and sustainability resources

See the Government’s climate and net zero resources for small and medium-sized enterprises:

Local funds and support

Make connections with your Local Voluntary Community Social Enterprise (VCSE) Infrastructure organisations. They can provide local information and advice, and networking, support and training opportunities.  It’s always worth searching your local area to see if there are any specific trusts or foundations that serve the community you operate in. Your local authority may also often have funding programmes available for local organisations. 

Community-led housing