Home 5 Reports and Publications 5 Getting started with Community Improvement Districts

Getting started with Community Improvement Districts

Three community workers from Kilburn stood around a ladder in front of Kilburn's Library of Things
This Community Improvements Districts guidance helps communities imagine new possibilities for high streets, and gives readers the tools they need to make those possibilities a reality.

This guidance is designed to help community leaders navigate the complexities of starting a Community Improvement District (CID), no matter what form it takes. Communities should be at the heart of regenerating their high streets, and this guidance will help make that a reality.

Readers will have a clear understanding of what a CID is and how it can help the community take the lead in regenerating town centres. It also gives practical advice on starting a CID, including how to engage different stakeholders, create a vision for the town centre, and sustain a CID in the long-term.