Home 5 Reports and Publications 5 Take Back the High Street: Why now is the time for a High Street Buyout Fund

Take Back the High Street: Why now is the time for a High Street Buyout Fund

This paper puts forward the concept of a High Street Buyout Fund – an agile fund which will purchase high street buildings and transfer these into community management and ownership.

It is borne out of the challenges many community businesses have faced in trying to get a foot on the high street property ladder and built on the evidence of the important role community owned spaces play in maintaining the social and economic vibrancy of a place.

Feasibility and financial modelling for a High Street Buyout Fund has been carried out by Resonance, an impact property fund manager specialising in creating impact investment real estate funds aligning the interests of social enterprises and community businesses with investors around shared financial and social impact intentions.

Throughout this paper, we call on central government, charitable funders, foundations, and commercial and social investors to help capitalise a High Street Buyout Fund. We detail the complementary policy change that would help the Fund have even more impact.