Home 5 Reports and Publications 5 Community Improvement Districts pilot programme: Final report

Community Improvement Districts pilot programme: Final report

Community Improvement Districts (CIDs) provide a new approach for community stakeholders to have more say on strategic direction of the high streets alongside local authorities, businesses and other local stakeholders.

The pilot CIDs programme in England took place between May 2022 and June 2023 across seven locations. Two high streets in London (Wood Green and Kilburn High Road) received £20,000 grants from Power to Change and £20,000 from the Mayor of London. A further five locations outside London (Hendon in Sunderland; Ipswich; Skelmersdale; Stretford in Greater Manchester; and Wolverton in Milton Keynes) each received £20,000 from Power to Change.

The Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research (CRESR) at Sheffield Hallam University and Shared Assets CIC acted as learning partners for the programme. The CIDs initiated a wide range of engagement activities to involve local residents and partners in high street regeneration plans, and much of this will continue, overseen by local people and organisations. This report explores key findings and recommendations from CRESR and Shared Assets’ work as learning partners, followed by a broader recommendation for national policy on high street regeneration.