Home 5 Reports and Publications 5 Community Business Market Report 2022

Community Business Market Report 2022

Our 2022 Community Business Market Report reveals how a resilient community business sector is contributing to the economic, social, and environmental wellbeing of communities. The research used a survey, interviews, and a range of quantitative data sources to build a comprehensive snapshot of the market.

As the social economy evolves and grows, so does our evidence and insight about the difference community businesses can make to people’s lives and the places they live.

Our 2022 Community Business Market Report reveals how a resilient community business sector is contributing to the economic, social, and environmental wellbeing of communities. The research used a survey, interviews, and a range of quantitative data sources to build a comprehensive snapshot of the market.

Our research estimates that there are 11,000 community businesses operating in England this year, with a total income of just under £1 billion, strengthening local communities through greater community power. Through community business, local people are taking ownership over the spaces and places that matter to them and delivering vital services that communities need. Our report looks at how they do that, and what support they need to become more resilient in future.

Our learnings from this report

Our market analysis estimates that there are 11,000 community business operating in England, with a total income of just under £1 billion. The survey findings show that they disproportionately operate in areas facing multiple disadvantage – 48% operate in the 30% most disadvantaged areas in England (IMD 1–3). Most (76%) community businesses offer more than one service to their local community, meeting a wide range of needs. Half those surveyed are either community interest companies (25%) or charities limited by guarantee (24%). And the proportion of community businesses reporting that they primarily provide public-facing support appears to be larger than ever; 31% of surveyed community businesses, a 10-percentage point increase from 2021. At 25%, community hubs remain the most common type of community business surveyed.