Home 5 Reports and Publications 5 Annual Report 2023

Annual Report 2023

five young people stand in front of the Winch community building, that displays vibrant graffiti works
Our 2023 annual report reviews the ninth year of Power to Change’s operations. It covers the grants we made and our future plans, alongside a financial review of 2023 and our statutory accounts.


During 2023, we took stock of our investment to date in community businesses and the financial leverage that has enabled. We are proud to report that, since 2015, £45m of Power to Change funding has contributed to bringing in an additional £209m to community business in England. This has been in the form of additional grants, community shares, crowdfunding, government funds, refinanced debt, social investment and co-funding. This means that for every £1 invested by Power to Change, an additional £4.68 has been leveraged into the community business sector. In 2023, we continued to deliver varied and impactful direct support to community business, all the while reorienting our organisation, so it is fit for the future.