Celebrating climate confident community businesses

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Community Business Weekend is an annual, national celebration
10 Feb, 2020

Community Business Weekend is an annual, national celebration of communities running businesses to spark change in their neighbourhoods.

This year, we’re celebrating how community businesses are climate confident, and can help local people take local actions to tackle the global climate crisis. From saving bees, to generating renewable energy, growing food locally to preserving green spaces, the 9,000 community businesses in England are making a difference.

We are gathering data to find out the impact community businesses have on the environment and you can help us by completing this short survey: https://powertochange.typeform.com/to/xMbxnm?public=xxxxx. The survey will close on Sunday 23 February.

Community Business Weekend 2020 will run from Thursday 14 May to Sunday 17 May 2020. Save the date and find out more on www.communitybusinessweekend.org